Tag Archives: stalker

A quick update

First off: I’m home from the hospital. Yay. Not so yay: Blood pressure medications are making me rather useless – as in, I’ll be asleep most of the day, unable to do more than wake long enough to feed myself, then conk right back out again. This isn’t as nice as it sounds, because I still have to try pull together the brains to do some basic stuff like ‘what will I eat and how will I cook it?’ Yes, it’s that bad, but the dosage of meds are keeping my blood pressure somewhat stable and at least the bubs’ umbilical blood flow has normalized. He’s doing well, though sluggish in terms of movement. I’ll endure this for as long as I can / he can – which is probably the next few weeks going forward, if all goes well and nothing new crops up.

Secondly, and this is also big news: Thanks to Vox Day, the several years of harassment by Yamamanama, aka Andrew P. Marston, are over. The wonderful Kate Paulk was kind enough to message me on my phone while I was strapped abed to a ctg scan, and a quick glance at my email shows a number of emails from several other wonderful people who sought to inform me of the awesome news, including Vox himself assuring me that Yama is very unlikely to be able to continue his harassment and stalking. From the post, I gather though that Yama is still going to try circumventing his new restrictions so for the near future, if anyone spots comments from him and his usual list of spewdonyms, please note the following request from Vox:

While Yama did subsequently take advantage of what I suspect was access outside his home to post a short comment on Brad Torgersen’s blog under the name of Alauda yesterday, I have already reported it to the police and they are addressing the matter. If Yama posts additional comments anywhere else, please bring them to my attention right away so that I can report them. I expect there will be a few more minor incidents of a similar fashion as Yama attempts to evade his newly imposed restrictions.

Markku kindly attributes that I “was integral in bringing Yama to justice”, but I humbly submit that it is far more likely due to Vox’s efforts, as well as my dear friend, housemate and resident web admin, Aff, who was instrumental in helping this end (since, y’know, Aff is the guy who handles the back end stuff and I’m just the writer who doesn’t manage site administration…) Read the whole post and the comments. It’s interesting, to say the least.

There are some details which, I grant, have me very curious about the affair as a whole, but I doubt I’ll ever have my curiosity satisfied (blame the curiosity about the details on the analyst in me) and if I am ever informed it’ll be months down the track. As the case is still ongoing it would be irresponsible of me to say more, but suffice to say there are a number of odd little twists in this that I think none of us involved ever expected. So for the time being, it’s a wait and see what happens.

Allow me to express bogglement at the trolls who are somehow certain that ‘this didn’t happen, it’s all a bluff’ over at Vox’s blog.

For now my current focus will be, as it has been for a while, the health of my baby and bringing him to this world.


Say hello to my little friend.



lappySorry, crappy cellphone pic, but she’s one of the Christmas presents I got from Aff. The fun part is, this didn’t cost him any money. Yep, you got that right – my new portable lappy was a freebie – a prize actually, that he won from a gaming competition. She’s lightweight and runs cool, and has the keyboard type that I like and Aff finds uncomfortable. And she’s an ASUS! She comes in just in time because I’ve completely burned out my poor old netbook, which I used largely for writing on. Sadly, I don’t know if he can be revived. It may be that he just couldn’t handle the heat of local weather.


More on Yamamanama / Andrew P. Marston’s attempts to crowdsource harassment options

This was originally posted on the forums, and has been expanded since.


Which has, thanks to this post, gone into FOUR PAGES of record.

Starting off my morning with this while stuck on the baby heart rate monitor. Typing is awkward.

Anyway, an update (with regards to latest online events regarding the ongoing saga of being stalked and harassed by Andrew P. Marston, Stalker of Six Years and Counting.)

It seems, rightly so, the folks at fstdt do not like being used to further a proven longtime stalker’s malicious and misogynistic stalker’s agenda, because soon after I took these screenshots the thread was deleted or meh-ed to gone. I don’t know which. At any rate, these screenshots are for me to address certain points or respond to some remarks.

Now, I don’t know for certain if Yama himself was Goob/Goomb / the person who originally quoted me out of context in that quote-post, but it fits in with his past behaviors, so it would not surprise me if Yama did, or showed the quote to someone he felt was amenable to reposting the quote out of context because of outrage / oh god this is stupid and needs to be mocked. If the latter, you were cruelly mislead and used.

This may be something of a warning to Yama’s associates online, to be wary of taking him completely on trust and on his word in the future.  Be advised that Yama is known to have a long list of pseudonyms which he uses on a variety of sites, and has also been known to try impersonate other people by using their online nicknames and handles.  In fact, his doing so is the main reason why I had to start commenting on Vox Day’s blog – to establish my own identity and state how I was to prove that I was the real Shadowdancer by reposting screenshots of my own comments to the Affsdiary Forums.

I looked at the latest discussions on FSTDT and one of the ones with lots of comments is critical of a crazy misandrist radfem calling for regular castrations. To be clear, this is the kind of feminist / tumblr feminist I rail against and stand against. I AM THE MOTHER OF SONS AND A DAUGHTER. That I react with proper REVULSION to such misandry MAKES SENSE because my middle boy is only eight years old and turned loose on a playground to play, plays with both boys and girls with no discrimination as children are only concerned with ‘let’s play!’ (the other is still in my womb. So, dear crazy misandrist radfem? You are a pathetic scumbag because you can’t do more than pick on children and unborn babies, and hilariously have accepted the lie that women are so inherently weak and helpless the ‘only way’ to ‘get ahead’ for women = kill men / oppress them / castrate them.)

Also, this graphic bears repeating because /facepalms so hard

I'm the person in pink.

To my misogynistic stalker’s mind this statement is equal to my being ‘misogynistic’, because I refuse to toe the radfem line and am a supporter for REAL equal rights, respect and treatment for both genders, groups, and regardless of skin color, not JUST women / special victim groups (because then, it’s not equal nor meritorious).

It should not surprise anyone who has read through the sticky or is aware of the six long years of harassment that Yama / Andrew will double down on his threat and continue to try justify his actions.
@pyro: no worries; apology accepted =) I’m just glad its clear now. I honestly harbor no bad feelings because this isn’t the fault of the folks at your discussion place, and the quote itself really is taken so completely out of context it’s obvious that it was deliberately done to create a bad impression. I really am sorry you guys were being dragged into yama’s campaign.

@the dude – my sticky has also discovered over the years that Yama / Andrew will deliberately go out of his way to go to non-Liberal sites (conservative, libertarian, religious group sites, blogs etc) for the explicit purpose of using them as hunting grounds for his targets of harassment. He will frequently take people’s comments out of a long, long discussion thread or post completely out of context then spread them in places like the FSTDT discussion forums, or quote them in other blogs, in the hopes of portraying the person being quoted as far more evil than the quote in context would actually be. Through this method he has attempted more than once to portray me and many others as misogynistic, racist, anti-homosexual, ‘rape apologizing’, anti-feminist, etc, to try get people to dogpile on me. He has done this both with art, words, and written works, the latter of which he will admit to never even reading but will happily deride and mock as worthless. That he is quite alone in this opinion becomes rapidly clear, so Andrew is quite desperate to try ‘prove’ that he isn’t alone in his hateful opinion of me.

I repeat that whatever he’s incoherently blabbing about regarding Andrew’s ‘friends’ I had nothing to do with it, because, quite logically why would I know or care about a hipster guitarist on youtube that Vox Day linked? My musical tastes are my own and I simply avoid the music I don’t like and waste no further time on it. Mere association with Yama does not result in my deep abiding hate or even mild dislike of a person. Why would it? I’m not Yama, who seems to automatically HATE everything and everyone vaguely associated with me and behaves as if this is ‘behavior everyone does because Andrew thinks like this’ projection.

And it seems that to Yama now, contradicting him = You Are A Vox Day Supporter If You Think That Andrew P. Marston Is A Stalker Asshole. That’s… a new level of crazy there, woah.

The thing is, I don’t mind at all if someone decides they don’t like me because I hold an opinion or POV that they disagree with. I don’t mind if someone doesn’t agree with me. If this hypothetical person doesn’t like me, then we can go our separate ways and avoid each other, or agree to butt heads over discussions as much as we like, or just ignore each other’s existence in forums where we both participate. That person doesn’t have to go to my homepage, and I avoid that person’s page. In fact, this is perfectly sensible and civilized to me; so I don’t go out of my way to frequent say, radfem sites that espouse the castration of men and hatefully rail at women who choose to have their male babies, or believe that all infant boys by default will become misogynistic raping monsters / rage at women who are in happy heterosexual relationships / lesbians who choose to become mothers. I’ll end up there if someone I know links it, but I’ll also do them the courtesy of actually reading the words before I react, if I choose to react, on my own blog.

At no point, ever, will I say this person should not have the right to say what they’re saying, since I’m a very strong believer of the maxim ‘Let him speak, so that we may know his mind/thoughts.’

At no point do I wish for Andrew P. Marston to shut up, actually. Let him speak so that people may know what he is like, that people may judge him based on his own words, actions and beliefs. He frequently claims that I am trying to silence him, but in fact I only document his own words and actions, and my place on the web rebut his lies and attempts at ink-squirting obfuscation. The fact that this sticky thread is necessary at all is not because of me, but rather necessity borne out of reaction to a crazily obsessed person living in Massachusetts taking advantage of the fact that he can openly harass and stalk a woman living in Australia, who hasn’t got any ability to try push for a court suit because I can’t afford that, and there’s this whole thing about having a continent and a huge ocean between him and me.

But also, logically, I have reasons to worry because of Andrew P. Marston’s demonstrated behavior of seeking out groups who he feels may be amenable to being directed to a convenient target of hate for harassment online. Of this I have proof – this latest attempt being clearly one.

Who is to say he hasn’t tried to garner this for RL, given that he makes repeated threats against my kids? What reassurance do I have that he hasn’t done this? And given that we’ve shown that he lies if it suits him, there is no way for anyone to hold his word as being good or remotely trustworthy. Yes, I am aware that this is, at present, mere speculation, but that is a speculation that is with some backing due to his online behavior towards myself, which I have kept a record of here.

It is also clear that Andrew resents the presence of this sticky as a record of that bad behavior. He has constantly tried to misrepresent the thing as ‘attempts to silence him’ or ‘dox him’ or other absurd claims. His words and actions are here for people to view. Other people have shown through their own records that Andrew / Yama has been doing this kind of harassments since at least 2003, which long predates my running into him in late 2009. So, no, despite his claims, I am but just one of his many, many victims, and one who has chosen in this small way, to fight back and refuse to give in.

People should also be aware that Andrew P. Marston’s campaign of harassment against Vox Day – which Vox documents at having been 56 months of nearly daily harassment; just slightly less than Yama’s own campaign of stalking against myself – is resulting in police reports to the Massachusetts PD. Regardless of what you may think of the man (or heck, about myself) that’s far, far longer than anyone should have to endure. And yes, bans, avoiding him, ignoring him all haven’t worked. See the sticky. Stalking and harassing people he doesn’t like seems to be the entirety of Yama’s whole life. At any rate, that Vox has begun these proceedings has resulted in Yama desperately trying to scrub the Internet of proofs of his past bad behavior, quotes and has him fleeing to Twitter to try get people to listen to ‘his side’. (Is anyone surprised that this pretty much translates to any rational and sane person as someone trying to clean up the evidence of his past wrongdoings?)

At no point does he try to even prove his own allegations, throwing around lies and accusations instead as if they were fact. As stated above the only reason why I have a nominal participation on Vox Day’s blog now as a commenter was an act of pre-emptive self defense against Yama trying to steal my identity (which he tried to do anyway.) I am not, despite Yama’s insistent implications, ‘Vox Day’s best friend forever’ and Yama fondly imagines that I have ‘influence’ over a person I don’t know and at best is only an ‘acquaintance’ of.  This isn’t me trying to ‘disassociate’ myself from Vox Day, but rather a statement of accuracy – I occasionally read the blog because there’s the occasional interesting topic, or reference it on my sticky, but with Vox himself, there has been very little actual interaction. My own personal encounters have been brief and polite; and he was kind enough to answer a couple of questions I raised on According To Hoyt or Mad Genius club. (I don’t actually participate in the discussions on Vox Popoli because I feel I’d be quite out of my depth on the topics about history and science I find interesting. Personal assessment there, and I don’t mind admitting that I fall short by my own standards.)

I’ll stop here because 1) the heart rate monitor is taken off now and I can move again, and 2) I’m being fed lunch. Time to feed the baby so it grows strong and healthy, and as it is a beef stew, I’m quite keen because they vampired me for blood samples again this morning. I’ve had to waste enough time on Yama’s latest campaign of Epic Stupid and Epic Fail as it is. Unlike the man who has enough time to devote six years of active stalking an Asian chick on the other side of the freaking planet, I have a life outside of the Internet, responsibilities and much better things to do.


Yamanama’s epic stalker breakdown.

I’ve an update up on the Yamanama aka Andrew P. Marston the Stalker PSA thread. It is a rather epic illustration of how some people are apparently placed on this planet to be horrible warnings to the rest of the human race – and possibly others as well. Andrew P. Marston of Marshfield, Massachusetts, is clearly one of these things. Over the years, he has displayed absolutely appalling levels of misogyny and racism towards myself, shown himself to be a liar and a stalker who holds the most absolute of double-standards of ‘not for thee but for me,’ has no problems violating laws or invading his victims’ privacy when it suits him to do so, has no issues with harassment, defamation, slander, public smear, misrepresentation and intellectual theft as long as he’s the one using them, but the moment that anyone tries to defend themselves, fights back, or exposes him, he attempts desperately to implement  DARVO tactics

This is why yama always tries to accuse but never gives proof of his accusations

DARVO tactics description

Happily the attempts to do this to myself don’t work, as I’ve carefully kept a public record of his words and harassment over the years. Since I’m doing the unthinkable – a little Asian woman daring to defy the white-man-bully that he is- he makes the completely unfounded claims that I am the ‘stalker’. This is very clearly not the case and his behaviour as a whole has remained entirely unchanged throughout the years, at least since the documentation I’ve seen of the last group he harassed back in 2005.

Notably Yama aka Andrew is very keen to have the records of that incident erased, as it documents his use of pornography and illegal pornographic content, in a deliberate attempt to expose two eleven year old girls to it – something he did because he wanted to punish the mother for her beliefs (Which, I grant, are unpleasant since she’s a white supremacist) but note that Andrew P. Marston went after the children, not the mother. This was something he felt was completely acceptable to do. This in turn makes his threats towards my own family quite credible as a result. Andrew has already gone after my housemate Aff, and my partner Rhys to harass for their association with me (as documented by the sticky)- thus if he had the opportunity to harm my children, he would clearly do so as past evidence proves.

There are indications from the way Andrew has spoken that he has my home address and my phone number and dispersed it – either partially or in whole – to persons unknown.  Presumably the people he would have revealed these details to might be encouraged to take action against what they think are soft, easy targets. Whether this is mere harassment, or even greater harmful intent is speculation at this point, but of one thing we can be certain: Andrew P. Marston means my family nothing but harm and there is nothing but hatred and malice in his actions.

I understand that the blogger, writer, publisher and Internet personage Vox Day is in the midst of initiating legal proceedings against Andrew. Regardless of what you may think of the man, he is quite correct that 56 months of harassment from Andrew P. Marston is quite long enough – I myself have been harassed by Andrew since late 2009. That’s going For some reason, Andrew thinks I am the instigator of this process, or at the very least is desperate to paint me as the person responsible for what he demonstrably is falsely claiming is harassment and stalking. Prior to very recent events, while I did refer to Vox’s blog for additional evidence of Andrew’s harassment and stalking, I had not participated nor commented on that blog. The only reason I did so recently was because Andrew was exploiting a flaw in Blogger/Blogspot’s comment permissions and attempting to impersonate other people in a desperate attempt to paint himself as a victim, and I headed off the possibility of him stealing my identity in such a high-traffic place. Invariably, he did attempt this, but I am fortunate enough to have a place that Andrew cannot exploit and pretend to be someone else on – namely, my website, and the associated Affsdiary Forums. It is a digital place where Andrew is unwelcome, and cannot pretend to be someone else, nor use proxies and other methods of obscurement on.

For those who are his victims, it is a simple matter to create an account and establish their own identity there, and create their own proof thread to show they are in fact the ones posting on blogger or Blogspot.

After reading through Andrew’s temper tantrum from over my shoulder, a friend of mine notes:

Have you ever had that feeling that you’re standing in a room where everyone hates you, and wishes you would move along like a bad fart?

I bet Yama gets that every day.

There’s surgery for disfigurements, and medications for certain mental conditions. There isn’t any help for stupid, and Andrew here has a terminal case of it.

Quod erat demonstrandum, in ways irrefutable indeed.



An Attempt By Yamamanama To Impersonate Me

So while walking back and forth between my computer and my kitchen, checking on recipes while cooking I get an alert on my email saying that “I” had just posted on Vox Day’s blog.

Uhm. What the shit? I head that off right fast.

For future reference, any comments I make on Blogspot, or sites where impersonation of another is possible, will be posted in this thread with the unfortunately necessary diligence in order to prove that I am me.


If anyone is unsure if the person they are talking to is myself, register on the forums, and send me a private message. As the site is hosted by ourselves, we can at least ensure the authenticity of my own identity here, as well as ensure for our own security that the person on the other end is NOT yama.

The online websites I currently participate in discussion in are:

Shadowdancer Studios (my own website) and these forums at Affsdiary.com
According To Hoyt
Mad Genius Club
Monster Hunter Nation
TLKnighton’s website
Cedar Writes
(very rarely) Google Plus.

and, as only of a few days ago, Vox Popoli, in order to establish my own identity as Yama had begun to impersonate other people there in order to facilitate his own misdirection and misrepresentation in an attempt to whitewash his own actions and claim victimhood as well as desperately attempting to muddy the waters while he slings more shit around him. He has made false claims that I ‘suggested’ to Vox that someone named Emma be stalked, when in fact I have no idea who this even references. He attempted to make it sound like Jordan179 was ‘in on the plot.’

If it is someone local to him, then he believes that I have, somehow, the magic capability of being able to have the influence and connections necessary to ID his friends, and believes that I have the same kind of inclinations and obsessions he does. If that were the case why am I restricting myself to documenting his activities of harassment online? Beyond where his IP address geolocates (which only goes as far as either Marshfield or Duxbury Massachusetts), I have no idea where he lives, and honestly have no intention of finding out – why would I?! He behaves as if I would do to him what he has attempted to do to me – namely attempted to crowdsource harassment of myself and my friends online – and is now behaving as if I would source harassment of his friends outside of the Internet based simply because of their association with him.

This is a classic Yama projection (believing that I will act, think and behave the same way he does), and has me wondering if he has attempted to do this to me RL as well. I am already aware that he likes to bring me up in completely unrelated places and frequently will do so in places where he thinks he may garner support in encouraging dislike of myself based on his lies, smears and baseless accusations.

Unlike Yama I have a life and a family, and books to write and friends I spend time with. I do not spend all of my time hounding someone I don’t like – I will generally ignore them and avoid them instead.

It is because Yama himself chooses NOT to leave me alone that ensures that this documentation even continues to exist. In fact he came after me when I all but vanished from the blogosphere because I had no time for it and played L2 as my mode of relaxation when I came home from work. There was no reason for him to do this. The game had nothing to do with RL politics, or Muslims, or such, yet Yama felt that my mere presence there was enough for him to go to the forums and then harass people there.

He has been actively stalking me for whatever demented reason he has, that none of us can actually figure out, since late 2009. Andrew P. Marston has made it his life’s work to destroy me online, to try and drive me off the Internet.

Here’s a thought for the people reading this:

Who has he managed to do this to, that he is so determined to keep doing this? How many victims has he had, that I am unaware of, that we are unaware of? From his harassment of Larry Correia, Sarah Hoyt, Vox Day, Tom Kratman, John C. Wright and many other authors, it is clear that I am not his only target in attempts to silence whatever it is we have to say, whether it is politics or our writing books, or simply enjoying ourselves.

Who else has he targeted and successfully driven away from their joys and passion and friends online?


This post was originally written up for the Stalker Sticky Thread.


Please also be advised that any announcements I make about communications will be reiterated here and on the forums. Any other attempt by other people and sources to pretend to be me and make false announcements about my modes of communication will NOT be able to do that. If it doesn’t exist on Shadowdancer Studios and the Affsdiary Forums, then it didn’t come from me.

Note: I do have some blogger pages but I don’t post there and am not using them. Consider them abandoned for lack of security and privacy control.

I am very clearly the center of the universe or something for someone

For a certain ridiculously persistent stalker and social plague, that is.

Because Picard for the win~

I mean, there’s gotta be a reason why I’m constantly being dragged up in conversations which have nothing to do with me, especially over the past few days where I’ve been too busy and physically fried to actually keep up with things online.

Coz, you know, Christmas preparations and all that, in real life, mean that I’m kinda swamped and busy. Especially with baking things (there may be actual posts about that, we’ll see) and other things.

At any rate, have yet another update of the Stalker Sticky as well as the Spewdonym List.


Edited to add:

Vox Day has two very fascinating posts:

Pity the Troll – Part 1 and Part 2

Woah. /keanureeves The stuff I discover when I resurface from being AFK RL BUSY MODE.

eta: Okay having read through a chunk of that, I think it’s a good idea to put this out there once more. This was a facepalming flame directed at Yama on Jordan’s blog yeaaaaaaaaaars ago. It bears repeating now.


Seriously, where were you when God was handing out brains? And why, why, why is it starting to look like that your ancestors went out for tacos instead of waiting for their Apple from the Tree of Knowledge? It’s gotta be like that because there is no way this much stupid could be distilled down to three successive generations, which makes me boggle. How in the name of Darwin did natural selection not get you?

I mean it. Anyone with two neurons floating in the center of a sac of saline would have cottoned on at light speed how that ‘plan’ was going to go very, very, very, epically fail. And mutate into so much wrongness, I’m surprised that the Gods haven’t struck it down as an abomination of reality.


A friend of mine also linked these to me.



Dropping them here for later reading.


Added 11:38 AM

Yama is getting very, very desperate to try squirt ink and muddy the waters by spoofing somehow Jordan179’s blogspot account.

Here’s the associated screenshots highlighting the vast difference of commentary (link, because the image causes quite a bit of side scroll). Note that Count Bullets-ula is Yama in the last screenshot, where he starts trying to make the spurious claim that I had Vox stalk this Emma person, who I don’t know and have never heard of before. If she’s the girl in the video Vox links on his blog, I did not watch, as I’m not really into hipster stuff and since the close up image is of her nostril, I’m not likely to click. The fake Jordan179 makes the same claim. This is demonstrably stupid, as I actually TALK to Jordan179, and stupider still, since I have Jordan’s RL address because I have plans to send him a present. So I KNOW where Jordan lives.

Note the posting of Yama as an anonymous in thethread that the real Jordan links. Again, Yama makes the comment of ‘filing spurious reports’, desperate to make it sound like Jordan has done so, when Jordan has actually said outright that he hasn’t filed any police reports.

Yama’s visted my LJ no less than three times from the times I’ve checked. Yeesh.

Speaking of LJ, Yama is currently harassing someone I look up to as an artist and writer, MCA Hogarth. Over Cuba. Where Micah is FROM. Pay attention to how he pooh-poohs the suffering of her family, by trying to draw the false equivalence that ‘people have it worse.’

ETA AGAIN 12:27pm Dec 22 2014 Australian Eastern Time:

Hey! Look who just visited!

Clearly Yama’s not happy that I’m able to show he’s pretending to be Jordan.

I like how he’s tacitly admitting to be Jordan in his reply.

Yep I hit a nerve.


I have decided to comment over on Vox Populi for the first time.

First, this is to establish my identity so that Yama cannot try to pretend to be me, as he is currently doing with Jordan179, and apparently, Markku in the Vox Populi blog.

Second, as proof that this was me commenting, I have taken a screenshot of my post, and posted it here and in the Stalker Sticky thread.

(oops. Looks like I made a mistake, and the old comment got eaten since I’ve never really posted to blogspot before. Here’s my updated comment.)

I will ALSO make the point of posting screenshots of my own comments to prove that I am the one posting in the Forums as that is someplace where Yama has been banned from and is unable to post to.