Monthly Archives: September 2016

Warning – Fake E-Mails Targeting Shadowdancer Studios Visitors

From Aff:

E-mails have been spotted in circulation that appear to be from aff or shadow -at-; these e-mails request personal information and promise a prize if that is updated on a profile which looks similar to Shadow’s wordpress.:

From: [email protected] [[email protected]]

Hi there!

I’ve updated the look of my wordpress so all of the profiles were reset! There are now great benefits to having an up to date profile, so if you can please do that it would be great!

Each section of a profile gives points, and you can spend those points for discounts on PayPal purchases! Click directly here!

– Shadowdancer


More info is at the Affsdiary page, which I strongly, strongly urge you to read.

My website does not require the kind of information that the data-mining scam is requiring for the supposed ‘update.’ I will never require that depth of information from anyone. The only thing you need to comment in this site is a username and email, or a WordPress/Gravatar ID, since you can log in to comment using either. We don’t ask for personal information, we don’t want it and don’t give it to us.

Baby booms

So, this little vignette came directly out of the delightful madness that’s According To Hoyt’s comments section. It started from here and because WP was retarded, bounced down to here.

Enjoy the random bit of metafiction! The second half was done by Alma herself ^_^; the rest I fixed up a little, now that I’m not half-asleep.


The conversation about guns sparked an impromptu opening of the gun closet at Chez TXRed. Alma muttered to herself as she sorted which firearms belonged to whom. “OK, mine” She moved a few from one side of the closet to the other. “Dad’s” Alma moved a few more. “Mom’s plus that other one …Dang. We probably shouldn’t have left these alone together in the dark for so long.” She chuckled to herself, remembering the long running joke about owning Mosin-Nagant rifles, and their tendency to multiply, almost like zucchini.

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Star Trek Bridge Crew and cheese eating Vulcans

I love how randomness can result in my finding out about something rather cool.
Such as Star Trek Bridge Crew.

I make no secret of the fact that I play Star Trek Online. I’ve got a toon I started I thiiiink around New Romulus arc, then I made a Delta Rising character, and an Agents of Yesterday toon. (When the next arc starts, I am likely to make another toon because of rumors that it’ll center around Section 31.) Anyway, the current event that’s ongoing is the Mirror Universe Invasion; and we finished it on most of our toons today. Continue reading

Sour Cream Apple Muffins

Delicious treats

Delicious treats

I promised to make Rhys apple muffins for Father’s Day (it’s in September, here in Australia) but I missed it by a day because that Sunday was eaten up by errands. I made these on the same day as the Sour Cream Chocolate Cake so you see the unfrosted cake sitting in the background at in one of the photos.

applemuffin06 Continue reading

Pop Soda Sticky Chicken


This chicken recipe uses a can of cola, orange soda, or Mountain Dew as a base. I’ve also used this as a recipe base for a slow cooker pork roast (adjusting the amount of ingredients to suit.)  This was a huge hit with the kids and adults alike.

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