Just posted up a new piece over at Deviantart; a commissioned work. More at the page itself.
Category Archives: art
Art Posts
Updated my deviantart for the first time in a very long time. Paid commission work done while giving eyes a rest from other work. I expect to work through the holidays, personally, but this is a good thing, in my opinion.
Manager Sophie An updated commission of the previous Sophie image. Photoshop.
Elf Warrior Kate Done almost completley using Clip Studio Pro.
Jennifer is Shopping Done in Photoshop.
Working with Clip Studio is FUN. Like, woah, once you get it set up the way you want, and figure out some things, it’s really neat to play around with. The brushes are admittedly kinda scary to create and are not as easy to make new brushes with but at the same time, there’s stuff on Clip Studio that is unique to it. It’s really good with lineart work too. I got the more expensive version as a Christmas/Birthday present to myself some years back but it’s only now that I’ve been able to run it.
Thank goodness that Clip Studio is being managed by the Japanese again and doesn’t have that near constant ‘no, I’m a legit copy’ callback that needed to happen with MangaStudio that was STUPID, ate up resources AND bandwidth and pretty much assumed nobody else lived where you were or shared the Net.
I am looking forward to see what I can create with this.
Because it came up in the convo
In the comments, that is.