Daily Archives: September 4, 2017


So, apparently, this rainbow banner is a thing WordPress likes to have up every year. Somehow I missed it in the last years, and was lucky to.

It’s fucking obnoxious, and not just because I have no way of freaking opting out without having to resort to messing with my browser code- code which I don’t understand, and am thus forced against my will to endure it…

No, the biggest reason why I hate that fucking banner is because it causes really fucking painful muscular-stress migraines.

My initial reaction to the banner was to ignore it. But eventually I noticed that my eyes would jerk up to the banner while I was reading blogs, simply because it’s bright and eyecatching. After fifteen minutes of trying to keep my eyes on the text I was reading, I noticed I was developing tension headaches – the kind brought on by muscular strain – either in strained muscles in the neck, or eyes. These are cripplingly painful, and the times I’ve had these, I am basically unable to do anything but lie in bed in agony, eyes covered because at that point I am light-sensitive and cannot handle even dim light.

Seeking to avoid injury I went to look for a way to try click on a button or a checkbox or SOMETHING to remove it. There isn’t one. Apparently, it’s just something we have to ‘put up with’ since it’s a ‘temporary’ thing and the general message is I get that WordPress wants to convey to its’ userbase is “We are celebrating something wonderful and if, for any reason you don’t want to put up with it, you are a hater fuck who needs to hurt and hopefully die.”

People who have a fundamentally non-discriminatory reason -such as ‘that’s distracting and hurts my eyes’ – to want to turn off the damn banner have no recourse to do so. No, I’m no coder, and frankly messing with that shit will likely result in me breaking my browser, for a temporary fix.

I just want to turn off the banner because it hurts my eyes, keeps pulling my gaze away repeatedly and quickly from the text I’m trying to read.

But no, apparently, non-participation is verboten. You don’t want to be ‘seen as a homophobe, right kamerade?

All I get from this shit is that whoever came up with this is okay with the following:

“Only support for gay people and other approved minorities and viewpoints is important.”

“You are not allowed to opt out or say no, because that might be construed as being against.”

“Free speech only applies to what is approved of by the Left – all other speech and choices are hateful and bigoted.”

“There are no good people except those whose beliefs conform to my own.”

“Since bad people think bad thoughts, they are not entitled to the protections of society, nor should be given treatment or consideration as human beings.”

“We, the morally righteous, are permitted to enforce our orthodoxy through violence and force. You, however, may not force your morality on me by even speaking of it.”

“If it is a choice I do not approve of, you are not allowed to make that choice. You are not allowed freedom or choices, because you, as a naysayer, are no longer considered human or equal.”

Clearly, simply because this Asian chick would like to avoid eyestrain, I’m not allowed to have a ‘turn this shit off’ button, because that would be unsupportive. Somehow.

For folks who are supposed to be all about the ‘equal rights as human beings’ and claim that “I don’t have to participate if I don’t want to,” why am I not allowed to figuratively walk away from the ‘celebration?’ Why are my rights suddenly, less than theirs? Why can’t I be allowed the option to turn that shit off?
