Daily Archives: August 15, 2016

Love and Support and Family

I recently came across this article:


I’m quite happy with how loving and supportive this family is. The sister for donating her egg, the brother for not feeling insecure about his partner providing the sperm for the baby, and the mom being accepting of her children’s’ choices. That baby will be well loved and cared for. He or she will also likely have lots of time with the female relatives; so

I also think that the practical aspects of this are well thought out. With the sister providing the egg and the partner providing the sperm, there’s a better medical history, genetics and otherwise, that can be referred to in case it becomes necessary. Also, there’s a better chance for the child if he or she might need transplants – blood kin have better compatibility and a higher success rate. For medical and scientific reasons, this is a really good choice.

And really, the ‘incest’ jokes are lame. Nobody would blink if it was a sister donating to her sibling if the sibling were in a heterosexual relationship, or even to a single parent.

So, good luck to the family!

See, this is the kind of thing I can get behind. There’s no agenda, no political drumming (from what I can see). There’s love, and joy and family. May they successfully have their longed for child, and may that child be loved and cherished as the brother and sister clearly are loved and cherished.